Naturally sweetened and authentically brewed.

Friday, February 9, 2007

The Greek Alphabet makes me tired.

Finally I've had the energy to post something! I've had a cold since last Saturday, and it's the worst.

In a few hours I have a test on the Greek Alphabet. Not only is it difficult to memorize, it's even more difficult to memorize the night before the test. Talk about stress! I know that I could've studied earlier but this cold is making me very lethargic. I didn't even finish my Latin homework, so I have to make up some crap before class. Having two classes is even more difficult than a full load, because it's easier to not want to do anything for those two classes.

Tonight I'm working for Spunge at Marley Fest out at the waterpark. Katie is volunteering because she wanted to go to the concert, and because Sheri will be returning from her trip late. We're handing out cards, and I'm afraid that the recipients are will end up throwing the cards away.

My birthday is tomorrow! Yay fun! Aaron is taking me out to dinner and to see Anti-Gravity at Hawaii Theatre, then we're going to some event for Indigo that Spunge is working. I've come to realize that I don't like to throw parties for myself. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I don't like to be the center of attention, and I don't like to announce that it's my birthday. "Hey, it's my birthday, celebrate it!" No thanks. I'll probably call Jen, Terence, Steve, and Mike and ask them if they want to go to Indigo.

Anyway, enough wasting time. Study!