Naturally sweetened and authentically brewed.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Up, Up, and Away!

We leave for the mainland tomorrow morning at 7:30. Thank goodness I'm used to waking up early for work--I'll probably still be one grouchy girl anyway since I have to wake up at 5ish. Almost all of my clothes are packed, and the toiletries and make-up will have to wait for tonight and tomorrow morning. The one bummer about this trip is having to pack two different types of clothing: one set for desert weather and one set for northern California weather. Plus I know I'll be purchasing a lot of clothing, so I'm not quite sure how it's all going to fit in my suitcase.

I received my business cards the other day. The cards say that I'm a Staff Writer/Researcher. To be honest, I didn't even know that was my position title until I read it on the card. Anyway, I'm finally a professional! "Here's my business card, call me if you need anything." Hopefully I can find a cool business card case to carry them in so that I don't stretch out one of the slots in my wallet. So far I only gave cards to Katie, my friend Jon, and my dad and Leslie.

I'm so excited to be leaving! I really need this vacation. Maybe Aaron and I will get married in Vegas. Oh, that was a bad joke. He's gonna freak out when he reads this.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Working World.

I haven't had much time to update since I started working full-time at Transition. Since I'm on the computer all day at work, the last thing I want to do when I get home is spend time on my laptop. Good thing I didn't cave into technology temptation and buy a Macbook with my graduation money; it would be collecting dust on my desk.

For the past three weeks, I've been working on our College Guide section for our October issue. It's going to be packed with information about college applications, financial aid, required coures to be taken in high school, etc. Hopefully the kids will find this guide useful. This type of information would've been beneficial when I was applying for college.

Speaking of college, I really miss it! On Saturday night I was flipping through one of my English papers (a 14-page paper analyzing whether or not George Lucas was an auteur when creating his original Star Wars Trilogy) and this blanket of nostalgia came over me. Well, I don't miss the exams and required reading, but I do miss waking up at 9:00 to go to class and being able to eat lunch with my friends. I also miss being able to learn about so many different subjects.

I also sent my award-winning short story to Lily on Friday. Hopefully she can help me get it published in Hawaii Review's next journal.

For the most, full-time employment is tolerable. I'm getting used to waking up at 6:20 every morning. Traffic gives me stress almost every morning, but summer traffic isn't as bad as "school-in-session" traffic. I wear jeans to work almost every day and so far no one has complained. Aaron's been meeting me for lunch a few times a week. I bought a candy jar and filled it with Tootsie Pops and Dutch Mints so that I can nibble on something during work. Good thing I worked full-time hours at College of Ed during school breaks; it helped me adjust to 8-hour work days.

We leave on our family trip to Las Vegas/San Francisco on Thursday morning. Finally, a vacation! And Aaron's joining us! I'm counting on winning big money and buying some fashionable clothing. I'm also going to check out University of San Francisco and get some info on their graduate MFA program. Maybe I'll like it in SF so much that I won't come home!