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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Up, Up, and Away!

We leave for the mainland tomorrow morning at 7:30. Thank goodness I'm used to waking up early for work--I'll probably still be one grouchy girl anyway since I have to wake up at 5ish. Almost all of my clothes are packed, and the toiletries and make-up will have to wait for tonight and tomorrow morning. The one bummer about this trip is having to pack two different types of clothing: one set for desert weather and one set for northern California weather. Plus I know I'll be purchasing a lot of clothing, so I'm not quite sure how it's all going to fit in my suitcase.

I received my business cards the other day. The cards say that I'm a Staff Writer/Researcher. To be honest, I didn't even know that was my position title until I read it on the card. Anyway, I'm finally a professional! "Here's my business card, call me if you need anything." Hopefully I can find a cool business card case to carry them in so that I don't stretch out one of the slots in my wallet. So far I only gave cards to Katie, my friend Jon, and my dad and Leslie.

I'm so excited to be leaving! I really need this vacation. Maybe Aaron and I will get married in Vegas. Oh, that was a bad joke. He's gonna freak out when he reads this.

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