Naturally sweetened and authentically brewed.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I'm having difficulty writing in journalism-style.

I really don't know why I'm having such a problem. Tell me to write a short story and bam, I can crank out a few pages in less than an hour. I've written pretty good poems in half an hour. Maybe it's because I'm uninspired. The style is a lot different than the writing that I'm used to, plus I'm used to writing papers for my English professors.

My articles are boring. And they have no depth. The stories are also choppy; nothing flows like how I would like it to. I also have difficulty determining which facts are more important than others, and what needs to be left out.

I knew going in that this wasn't going to be easy. Plus I know that practice makes perfect. There's just something about it that makes me wonder if I'm good enough of a writer to make it my living. I've been too tired to write anything creative. All my side projects are being shelved until I have the opportunity to add to them. This can't be burn out--I've only been full-time for less than two months!

Sometimes I wonder if I made the right career choice. I'm still new to it, and I can change if I want to. But do I want to?

The reason for my writing this is so that in a few months, when I've "mastered" this journalism style and can write articles with ease, I'll look back and wonder why the hell I was whining about it.

At least I hope that will happen.

1 comment:

aaronttf said...

hey. you should copy and paste your blog on myspace. seriously. also you need to help your boyfriend make blogs like an ultra cool detailed las vegas/san fran blog with photographic evidence.