Naturally sweetened and authentically brewed.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I have a meeting in less than half an hour, but here's some quick updates:

- I've started writing again! I'm excited, and I'm confident that this story will develop into a novel or a novella of some sort. The next step is to create an outline of my story and to develop a list of deadlines so that I actually finish the project this time. Must finish and must publish!

- My sisters are leaving the nest (Amanda is flying back to Orange County, CA for college; Katie is spending a year in Japan on Study Abroad). This is the first time that I'll be an "only" child since I was three years old! It's gonna be quiet around my house.

- I'm trying to transform my lifestyle into a more eco-friendly lifestyle. The first step I'm going to make is eliminating my chemical-based cleaning products and using natural products like vinegar. This weekend I'm going to use a vinegar mixture to clean the mini-fridge in the family room of our house.

- I signed up for Netflix and am loving it! Continuous movies being delivered to my door for a little over $13 a month--how awesome is that? I can finally watch all the indie and classic movies that I've been wanting to watch without paying $5 a pop. Aaron's excited to watch movies that he's had on his "Must See" list for a while. So far I've rented The Science of Sleep and Babel, both movies starring my favorite actor Gael Garcia Bernal. Coming in the mail today are Mala Educacion (Bad Education--another Gael movie) and Amelie. I'm a little behind on the foreign movies, but now I can catch up!

- I still want to travel and see the world. Aaron likes the map that I put up on my wall. He said it was really cool. My aunty and uncle are going to Italy in the near future. I'm blue-green with envy!

- I need to invest in a digi camera so that I can take nice pictures and post them. Then this blog won't be as boring!

That's all for now. Wee!

1 comment:

Zany Zen said...

So much to do. I hope you will fulfill your goals soon!!