Naturally sweetened and authentically brewed.

Monday, April 23, 2007


It's been a while since I've had the energy, time, and motivation to update my blog. My nights have been spent either lying on my bed, watching television, or eating after I get back from physical therapy or work. I was discussing my tiredness/lethargy with Aaron one night and he said that it's probably because I have such a packed schedule every week. Working twenty hours at my job, plus eight hours at my internship, along with taking two classes and going to physical therapy three nights a week is pretty tiring.

I was pretty sad when I found out that Kurt Vonnegut died. It was like a distant uncle died, and I hadn't told him how much I cared about him before he passed. He was old, but still. Sometimes you wish that certain people could live forever. Well, he'll live forever through his work.

Then the VA Tech shootings happened. But I'm too digusted with the shooter and the incident to even write about it. I will say that some of the victims were the most heroic people I have ever heard about.

I graduate from college in a little over three weeks. That's really scary. It's such a major shift in my life that I'm a little worried about it. There's a part of me that doesn't want to be a full grown-up. Hello responsibility!

Monday, April 9, 2007


Right now I'm eating cold leftover ham from last night's family dinner. Unfortunately I'm eating it cold-cut-style because I don't have a fork, so I'll probably be getting some funny looks from whoever passes by my desk. I also heated up my Safeway Select Tomato Basil Pasta soup, but today's really hot so I wish that I had waited to eat it on another day.

I did nothing productive this entire weekend. Each day I watched hours of tv, which is so bad. With my partially ripped rotator cuff muscle in my shoulder, I can't do most of the activities that I would do if I had a weekend with awesome weather. I can't golf, I can't play basketball, I can't wash my car, I can't swim, I can't play Wii with Aaron. So instead I've been eating and watching tv. Yay for sedentary lifestyle!

Aaron let me play his Xbox 360 when I was at his house, which was the biggest mistake ever. Now I constantly want to play it. I'm having withdrawals.

Is it bad that I don't want to go to physical therapy because it interferes with my naptime?

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

It's Tuesday.

I just finished my microwavable cup of Campbell's chicken noodle soup and I am blissfully content with my lunch. Yes, I am aware that the soup has 870 mg (36% D.V.) of sodium, but it's so delicious and nostalgic that I don't care! Mmm, mmm, good!

On Sunday night, Aaron and I were watching a Travel Channel special on Walt Disney World. Now I want to go back to Disney World! I went to Disney World when I was in eleventh grade, but now there's all sorts of new attractions and rides that I have to see! Disney reminds me of my childhood because my sisters and I would always watch Disney movies, and we had tons of Disney toys. I'm such a sucker for Disney; that corporation sucks up all my money.

Today I finished editing a major chunk of the articles in the next issue of Transition. I was dead tired because it was 8 o'clock in the morning, but I survived. Maybe I should consider brewing a thermos of tea before I leave the house for Ward. Ack, I just can't adjust to leaving the house at 7:30 when I normally wake up at 8:30 at the earliest.