Naturally sweetened and authentically brewed.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Adventure Begins...

One of the most exciting times of my life has just begun! I graduated with my BA in English from UH Manoa on Sunday, May 13th, and I'm starting a full-time position at Transition! on May 29th. I can't believe that my years of college have come to an end. I'm so thankful for the experiences and people that I have encountered during my five years at UH. Too bad I can't always stay.

Leaving my job at College of Ed was very tough and very emotional. I worked at the COE for almost four years, which is the longest job I have ever had. The people I worked with were so enjoyable; I hope that at my future jobs I meet people who are just as nice as the Dean's Office staff. My office took me to lunch at Longhi's on my last week of work, and I had a semi-tearful goodbye on my last day, which was the friday before commencement.

Although, to be honest it wasn't my last day. My boss and the other secretaries asked if I could work a week after I graduated, just to help out since the new student workers wouldn't be starting for another two weeks. So now my official last week is this week!

Commencement was a breeze. It went by much faster than expected (anticipated end time was 12:30, but we got out by 11:30). Iden and I didn't even play with our Nintendo DS's for that long. Most of my family and friends saw me on the field and then went to lunch at my house. Aaron and I raced across the soccer field to give out leis to my friends, then rushed to the Les Murakami Baseball Stadium to give leis to my other friends. Unfortunately we got hit with outgoing traffic, so we were stuck in the car for forty-five minutes! My family members arrived at my house before I did.

The magazine gave me the week off, so I'm trying to get organized for work. It's definitely strange not to be a student anymore. I actually miss having to attend class! Now I have to budget my money and schedule my time. No more spontaneous beach days for me. Time to be a real grown-up for once.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Bits and Pieces

I really, really, really, really want to be a member of a film crew for a nature documentary like Planet Earth (on the Discovery Channel). To me there are only few things cooler than being able to travel the world to exotic places to film equally exotic creatures. The longing for adventure is calling to me! If I were approached by someone (credible, of course) and he or she asked me if I wanted to join a group on an expedition, I'd leave in a heartbeat.

I bought a new Sony Ericsson phone, and it has a cool camera so it'll be replacing my dead digital camera for now. Maybe I can start posting some pics on this blog.

Aaron the boyfriend and I are teaming up to create a literary masterpiece. It's a work in progress that's still in it's genesis, and I'm very excited to be able to collaborate with him on something along with our wonderful relationship. Being able to write creatively after almost a year of writer's block is so refreshing. Aaron's so supportive of my writing career and for that I'm truly blessed.

Graduation is in little over a week! Last night I had a dream that I was an hour late for the ceremony, then I had to go back home cause I forgot my cap and gown. I also wasn't able to sit next to my friends. Then I forgot my name card (the card that you write your name on so that the speaker can read it aloud) and I wasn't able to walk! I woke up this morning with this dreaded fear of commencement. It won't go as horribly...I hope.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I saw The Namesake!

Last Wednesday I finally saw The Namesake in the theatre!

Two fridays ago I was having dinner with Steve, Terence, and Mike at Kit N Kitchen, and I noticed that the Varsity Theatre sign read "THE NAMESAKE" in those big black letters. I was thrilled! After all my disappointment, I could finally see it. I knew that Varsity wouldn't let me down.

Aaron went with me to see it on Wednesday night. I was afraid that he wasn't going to enjoy it because it's not a testosterone-pumping storyline, but to my surprise he liked it a lot. His favorite character was Ashoke Ganguli, the father. I liked all the actors and actresses; I couldn't choose just one.

Surprisingly the changes in the adaptation weren't disappointing. There were some parts in the book that I didn't find humorous but in the movie, they were very funny. The characters were almost exactly like how I imagined them in the book. At least the director kept my favorite scene.

I can't wait to buy it on dvd!