Naturally sweetened and authentically brewed.

Monday, January 29, 2007

I love food.

Right now I'm eating what's leftover of my breakfast, which was a small baggie of Multigrain Cheerios. I love Cheerios because they're healthy, they're a cute shape, and they're tasty. My top five favorite cereals are:

  1. Life
  2. Smart Start (with milk)
  3. Kix (no milk)
  4. Quaker Oat Squares (no milk)
  5. Peanut Butter Crunch

I'm on a budget since I'm going to L.A. in a few weeks, so I have to bring lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. When the semester first started I brought a sandwich to eat before class on those days, but sandwiches get very boring and repetative. I tried to mix it up, like turkey and hummus on whole wheat or turkey and hummus in pita bread, but it didn't matter too much because I got tired of eating it. Plus the cucumber, romaine lettuce, and tomatoes would make the sandwich a little soggy if I didn't eat it before 12 pm. Plus it's oh so tempting to just walk to the cafeteria and buy a hot buttery grilled cheese sandwich. I don't know what type of sandwich I'm going to make next. PB and J?

So I'm a little obsessed with the Food Network. I can lie on my bed and watch it for hours. Maybe it's the domestic side of me that wants to break free and turn me into a future housewife. I love Tuesdays and Thursdays because I don't have class and I have to be at work at 12:30, which means that I can watch Barefoot Contessa, Semi-Homemade, Paula's Home Cooking, and Everyday Italian before I go to work. I don't care too much for Semi-Homemade, so I usually prepare my lunch when that show is on. Good food always makes me feel good, and FoodTV is great inspiration to cook tasty food.

I've been wanting to cook an actual dinner for Aaron and myself for some time now, but since he doesn't have off from work (and because we don't live together yet) often I haven't been able to. If I were to cook for him, he'd have to come over to my house and I'd have to cook dinner for my entire family, which is fine but then there would be no romantic aspect to it. I also don't know what I would make; Aaron likes steak, porkchops, lamb, and fried chicken. I still have to think about it. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.

1 comment:

aaronttf said...

you should eat baby mum mum. its probably super healthy. we should go research and put together a list of the good, cheap, college student-esque lunch styles.