Naturally sweetened and authentically brewed.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New happenings.

Today I finished my first article for Transition Magazine, which I'm doing writing and editing for my new internship with Obun Hawaii (a local publisher). Unfortunately I had to quit my internship with Spunge, but only because this internship with the magazine will hopefully lead to a full-time position. My article was a story for the career pathways section--in case you're wondering, it's a magazine for middle and high school kids who are "transitioning" into life post-graduation. My boss wanted me to interview Aaron about his position as a station tech because Aaron is young and would relate to our audience. I interviewed him last night, which was the easiest interview ever because I was wearing pj's and lying on his bed. This afternoon I typed up my article, about 900-something words, and my boss loved it. Success is mine!

I'm receiving the initial edits tomorrow so that I can make changes, then my Aunty Jean is going to proof the article. I'm so excited, although I am a little nervous because I haven't written anything that the public will be reading. Too bad the next issue with my article doesn't come out until August!

Today I also attended the Hawaii Publishers Assocation awards luncheon. At first I was embarrassed because I thought I was extremely underdressed (I was wearing my red jersey dress, a cropped denim jacket, and slippers) but luckily some people were wearing jeans. Thank heavens I was wearing full-face makeup! Although it was pretty much a snooze-fest, I was able to see the award-winning publications. Maybe in a few years I'll be the one winning all the awards! I was feeling a little out of it so I wasn't able to chat it up with many people. It's hard being the new kid in the office, especially since it's not like me to just go up to people and talk to them.

Spring Break is pretty mellow for me. I'm working at my campus job and interning all week. A lot of sleeping and television watching will be occuring. Homework is on the bottom of my priority list. On Friday night I have a dinner for my stepbrother and on Saturday night I'm attending the Cherry Blossom Pageant dinner with the magazine staff. Unfortunately today I was hit with some anti-socialness, so I hope that it doesn't last all week.

1 comment:

aaronttf said...

all the stuff in the interview that i told you was fake. i just said that to get in your pants. success is mine!